Apr 22, 2007

One Year

Last night I celebrated the one year anniversary of meeting my boyfriend. We cheesily retraced our steps to our seemingly random meeting. He'd gone with some friends to the SMU MFA show in Mockingbird Station and followed the event up with a drink at Trinity Hall. I was at Trinity Hall to celebrate with a friend who had just finished the MCAT. By chance, these two groups of friends happened to overlap, and the boyfriend ended up sitting next to me because he'd heard me mention something about Kansas (he's from Kansas as well). 4 hours later he left with my phone number, and the rest is more or less history. (Is one year history?)

Anyway, the hows and whys are unimportant. What's amazing is that one year both seems like a very short and very long period of time. I can't believe it was a whole year ago, but at the same time, it's hard to remember what it was like before I met him.

This has been a brief sappy and oddly personal break from the hockey blogging to which I have earlier subjected all 1.5 readers of this blog.


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