May 15, 2006

Everyone thinks they have good taste and a sense of humor...

I was just watching TV, and a commercial for a furniture store called The Arrangement was shown.

They advertised wagon wheel coffee tables.

The initiated do not need any further details.

Bad blogger

I haven't dropped off the face of the earth. I just have nothing terribly interesting to share.

Most exciting part of my day:
I found Krunchers! chips at the store. I am ridiculously happy about this. My family used to get them all the time when I was little. They are thick cut kettle cooked chips that have been made since before kettle cooked chips were cool. In addition, they are virtually the only chips in America not made by Frito Lay...yet they STILL go well with Pepsi.

I also bought sloppy-looking, cargo-esque pants from Gap with my birthday gift card. I suppose that was fun. My wardrobe is becoming increasingly polarized between nice work clothes and scrubby casual clothes.

Least exciting part of my day:
Everything not related to Krunchers! or the Gap.

May 5, 2006

Immaculate Conception in the Heartland

Today I was repeatedly confronted with the news that Kansas had passed a law setting 15 as the minimum age of marriage. CNN reported it in a fairly nonjudgmental manner, merely explaining the circumstances and stating the facts. had the much more inflammatory title "Kansas sets minimum marriage age at 15 (it was 0!)" as if Kansans have been marrying off infants for generations. My friend John sent me a link to the article, asking if I'd seen it and wondering who the 4 senators who voted against the measure were and why they would vote against such a measure. I related a list of fairly snarky reasons, making fun of some of the ridiculous stereotypes attached to the fair state of my birth.

However, his question piqued my interest. I went to the trusty, home of the Wichita Eagle, to see if I could find some details on the debate surrounding the bill. Little did I know that truth was indeed stranger than fiction. This article cites a conversation with Sen. Kay O'Connor (R-Olathe) in which she notes that she voted against the minimum age because "many historians believe that the blessed Virgin Mary was 14 when she was married."

Upon hearing this, I was quite concerned. How terrible! If a young girl in Kansas immaculately conceives before the age of 15, she will have to give birth to that child outside of wedlock. Clearly, Kansas is thwarting the divine work of our Lord. The state will not go unpunished! It will be cast into the pits of fire along with the land of the Sodomites (San Francisco?) and the proud towers of new Babylon (Las Vegas?). It would have been much better to let creepy older men travel to Kansas make honest women out of the little girls they have impregnated through statutory rape.

May 4, 2006

Laura Miller

Laura Miller, the mayor of Dallas, is attempting to push through a $50 million bond to upgrade the Cotton Bowl. The Cotton Bowl is a giant, old, rarely used stadium in Fair Park.

Yet she publicly said she was against having the George W. Bush library awarded to SMU. There are lots of reasons that the Bush library could be bad for SMU (just talk to the English department), but I still don't think that the mayor should campaign against a prestigious, tourism-producing establishment being awarded to her city, particularly when I sincerely doubt it would cost the city $50 million. It would just cost donors and the (private) University millions upon millions of dollars rather than pouring money into a giant decades old stadium that is used 3 times a year.